Saturday, July 9, 2011

Recovery "shojin" style donabe bean stew, and homemade tofu

I ate a lot of BBQ dishes over the extended 4th-of-July weekend.

So, my body was screaming for light and delicious donabe dishes.
I made one of my regular "shojin" (Buddhist-style vegan) dishes, Soybean Gomoku-ni. (You can find the recipe here.)

To make this dish, I can't think of any better tool than my soup & stew donabe, "Miso-shiru Nabe". This donabe always makes wonderful stew/ braising dishes. To make the soybean stew, I basically just mix together the ingredients in the donabe and cook in the oven for 45-60 minutes.

This is one of my favorite comfort foods. So wonderful.

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I also made tofu from scratch with my homemade tofu kit.
As soon as it was made, I just sliced a cube and ate with some condiments and plum salt.

My body was very happy.