Jason is so happy it's BBQ season. Almost every day lately, he's been asking me "What do you want to cook on our Santa Maria BBQ Grill tonight?"
On one day last week, I was so busy all day and couldn't think of any elaborate menu for dinner. So, I came up with a quick shrimp BBQ dish. I marinated peeled & deveined shrimp in the mixture of shio-koji etc. Here's how you make it.

Garlic Shio-koji Shrimp
1 pound shrimp (peeled & deveined)
2 tablespoons shio-koji
1 clove garlic, grated
1 small knob ginger, grated
2 tablespoons sake
You just mix together shio-koji, garlic, ginger, and sake, and marinade shrimp in it for 30-60 minutes. Skewer the marinated shrimp and grill.

Jason started the fire on our Santa Maria BBQ Grill, and we grilled the skewered shrimp and also corn on the cobs.

They were both grilled perfectly. I also made quick asparagus frittatas.

Another wonderful BBQ dinner with donabe rice. The dinner went really well with lemony and refreshing Ribolla Gialla.